Funding a Statue for Felicette - the First and Only Cat in Space

Feb. 6, 2018
With my meager funds, there are very few Kickstarter campaigns I can afford to support. But when I heard of this effort to get a statue for Felicette -- the forgotten first and only cat to go into space, I knew I had to get involved. If for no other reason than I had never heard of a cat in the space program, nor did I ever know the French had a space program.
It turns out that Felicette successfully went into orbit just like the dogs and monkeys we have heard of and she returned successfully. And for her service to science, our astrocat cutie was sacrificed so that the effects of space flight on her body could be studied.

Look at that face. Look at those beautiful eyes. Doesn't the injustice of being forgotten break your heart? So yes, I want her to have a statue in her home country so her life and sacrifice can be remembered. And we were successful in collecting enough money worldwide so she can have one. Now they just have to find a property that is willing to host her statue.
The photos here are of my rewards for the level of donation I gave. They arrived on Feb. 6, 2018.
If they have an unveiling ceremony, I may even think of going. Why not? I've never been to France. But until that time, I have to content myself with the little baubles and photo I got for my little donation.
Londoner Matthew Serge Guy created this Kickstarter campaign because as he said, "Over the last 54 years, the story of the first and only cat to go to space has been largely forgotten. She deserves a proper memorial."
To understand what Felicette accomplished and why her life and sacrifice deserves a memorial, please watch this You Tube video:
And 1,141 backers pledged £43,323 to help bring this project to life.