Kitty Bungalow's Hamilton's Cats Musical Catstravaganza is a Blast
April 21, 2018
Not only was the performance of Kitty Bungalow's Hamilton's Cats musical superb, but the After Party was fun, too. Here is where I got to chat with Moshow, the Cat Rapper and tell him how much I loved his outfit as well as his performance.
One doesn't usually see a guy completely decked out in cat-themed clothes. His tights had cats painted on them. His vest had a cat motif. His jewelry had cats on it as well. And the rap he gave was all about not declawing cats because they needed their claws.
I tried to get a photo of me in front of the entire event sign at the Montalban Theater in Hollywood, but my arms aren't long enough. The musical's storyline is about a theater owner/director Hamilton trying to put on a fundraiser performance of CATS to save his cat rescue. But he has trouble getting talent to audition so he strong arms his crew into taking the roles. When a rumor circulates that Andrew Lloyd Webber plans to attend the performance, suddenly Hamilton is inundated with talent wanting to perform.
The auditions are played by many familiar faces -- celebrities who love cats and are donating their time for this fundraiser to raise funds for Kitty Bungalow which deals with feral cats only. Like most cities, LA has a feral cat population problem. And those who love cats want to help them. Getting entertained in the process is just icing on the cake.
Everybody was great and we were thoroughly entertained. My favorite performances were done by KIRSTEN VANGNESS, MOSHOW, THE CAT RAPPER, and FRED WILLARD.
I look forward to what they do next year. And I hope I'll be able to see it.