Woo-hoo. Finally an in-person NeoFest scene with Jason Paul Evans
Thanks to vaccines, I was able to perform an in-person scene with the talented actor Jason Paul Evans for our May zoom NeoFest on May 21, 2021. In the same room. Woo-hoo. So much fun.
Once again, I turned to the awesome writer Scott Mullen to write us a scene. And once again, he did so brilliantly in "Cocktail", drawing on what he knew about us and what kind of scenes work so well with us.
Still, working on Zoom without a filming crew, is a learning process. And I learned a lot about utilizing this media through this endeavor. But that's one of the most fun parts of acting. You learn with every project.
You can view "Cocktail" on the "Neo Ensemble Scenes" page on this website here.